
Great Commission Theological Institute is a learning community rooted in the unconditional promise of God’s love for all people.
In Christ, all are neighbors one to another. In a dynamic of mutual welcome, we seek to learn from one another’s particularities, including but not limited to differences of race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic circumstance, dis/ability, political perspective, ecclesial tradition, and theological commitments.
Intentional learning happens as we engage in critical discourse that challenges previously held assumptions. Faculty, staff, students and board members commit to engaging deeply in Christ-centered relationships across differences through honest, courageous, and respectful dialogue.
We acknowledge that this is possible only by the grace of God.
We pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be a community of reconciliation and one that educates Christian and public leaders who can be conduits of God’s healing and mercy in the world.